The World of
Reading & Writing
It is more important than ever that our children are given the support and encouragement needed to be successful. Opportunities abound for those with strong reading and writing skills. Yet, recent studies show that only 33% of our children have reached a proficient level in their literacy abilities.
This website is being designed for parents and teachers to enhance the learning of literacy through an array of fun and interactive activities and quality books.
Under Construction
Feel free to stop in and check out the progress as this website grows and develops.
Let’s Make A Change
What Can Parents Do?
Reading & Writing are essential keys impacting your child’s life’s opportunities. As a parent, a common question is, “What can I do to help my child develop their reading and writing abilities?”
This website’s goal is to offer parents an array of engaging, leveled literacy activities, supporting your child’s growth in the literacy world.
What Can Teachers Do?
Reading & Writing are essential keys impacting your students’ futures. As a teacher, a common question may be, “What can I do to help my students become more engaged in their reading and writing, strengthening their talents and abilities?”
This website’s goal is to offer teachers an array of engaging, leveled literacy activities, supporting their students’ growth in the literacy world.
Reading & Writing are grounded in one’s oral language environment. Five essential elements to truly understanding the written word include Focus Sounds (Phonemic Awareness), Phonics, Fluency, Work Knowledge (including Word Attack Skills & Vocabulary), and Comprehension. These five elements develop and grow independently AND interdependently as an individual interacts and engages with the world around them.
Incorporating the Writing Process on a recursive level will offer the author a flexible structure to produce written text. Within the Writing Process there are five elements an author needs to be aware of to create quality written text.
Book Clubs
Let the exciting world of books come alive. Check out these various Book Clubs for our readers: Emergent, Novice, Decoding, Fluent & Comprehending, and Expert.
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
Dr. Seuss