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Fictional literature refers to plot, setting, and characters from the imagination. We read, listen, and/or watch for fun. One example is a story with a talking elephant or other events that could not possibility occur in real life. A second example is a story about a character going to school, BUT the character is not real.
Comprehension is the understanding and interpretation of what is read, creating meaning. This is the ultimate goal of reading.
The Castle icon represents activities for Fictional reading.
Non-Fiction literature is based on real individuals and events that actually happened. We read, listen, and/or watch for information. Examples include learning about the butterfly’s life cycle, or the life of George Washington.
Comprehension is the understanding and interpretation of what is read, creating meaning. This is the ultimate goal of reading.
The Colorful Beakers icon represents activities for Non-Fictional reading.
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Reading Rockets
Reading Rockets is a quality website with an array of resources.
Literacy Ideas
LiteracyIdeas offers a wide variety of resources and ideas.
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Comprehension Strategies
Prior to Reading Strategies
Quality comprehension is surrounded by three areas: Prior to Reading, During Reading, and After Reading.
The Castle icon represents activities for Fictional reading.
The Colorful Beakers icon represents activities for Non-Fictional reading.
During Reading Strategies
Quality comprehension is surrounded by three areas: Prior to Reading, During Reading, and After Reading.
The Castle icon represents activities for Fictional reading.
The Colorful Beakers icon represents activities for Non-Fictional reading.
After Reading Strategies
Quality comprehension is surrounded by three areas: Prior to Reading, During Reading, and After Reading.
The Castle icon represents activities for Fictional reading.
The Colorful Beakers icon represents activities for Non-Fictional reading.