Level 3: Word Chain

Sequence of Sound: Connections to Print

Level 3 Activities focus on the sequence of sounds in a word. Attention is directed to specific positions of sounds within a word. This is the foundational base for segmenting sounds independently. When recognition of beginning, ending, and middle sounds is acquired, emergent readers are better equipped to isolate sounds and hear them separately.

Early Literacy Foundational Skills

  • Sounds (Phonemes) Isolation

    • listen & detect individual sounds at the beginning of a word

    • listen & detect individual sounds at the ending of a word

    • listen & detect individual sounds in the middle of a word


Word Chain

GOAL: sound (phoneme) isolation & matching sounds (phonemes) to letters


  • chalk board

  • chalk

Directions for New Players:

  1. Explain to the child(ren) that they will create a word chain by listening to beginning and ending sounds of words.

  2. Say a one-syllable word (cat) and have the child(ren) repeat it slowly, “punching out” the ending sound. “Punching Out” is having the child(ren) make a fist and when the last sound is said, they raise their fist in the air.

  3. Repeat the one-syllable word (cat) slowly so each sound is distinctly heard. As each sound is stated, write the alphabet letter representing the sound spoken.

  4. Ask the child(ren) to think of another word that begins with the ending sound of the first word. REMEMBER to use one-syllable words.

    EX: top ten

  5. Repeat steps #2 through #4 with the new word.

  6. Continue adding more words to the chain (cat - top - pack - kiss - sit) repeating step #5 with each new word.

    EX: c a t


    p a c k



    s i t

Directions for Established Players:


  • chalkboard

  • chalk

Directions for Established Players:

  1. Follow the Directions for New Players, incorporating consonant blends. Consonant blends are 2- to 3-letter consonants whose sounds “blend” together. EX: bl dr fl sp tr


Follow the Directions for Beginning Players. Challenges include:

Multi-syllable words. EX: bunny kitty monkey

Consonant Digraphs-2 or 3 consonant letters creating one sound. EX: ch gh ph sh th wh ng

Vowel Digraphs-2 or 3 vowel letters creating one sound. EX: ai ay ea ee igh oa ow


  • Always model first until the child is comfortable with this activity.

  • Caution if using consonant digraphs (EX: ch, sh, th) write both letters as ONE sound is said.

  • If using vowel digraphs (EX: ai, ea, ee) write both letters as the ONE sound is said.


Level 3: Sound Relay


Level 3: Sort by Sound