Fictional reading strategies differ from Non-fictional reading strategies. Fiction text has a standard format to include Story Elements:
Characters = the people, animals, & things participating in the story;
Setting = the where and when of the story;
Plot = the sequence of events in the story;
Point of View = who is telling the story;
Theme = the general message or main idea of the story.
For a detailed description of Story Elements, please see Story Elements Fiction.
DURING reading a fictional story, have the child(ren) stop after a pre-determined amount of reading, and ask a question or two. Then proceed with more of the reading. The stopping and asking questions with the text, aides in comprehension allowing the brain to “digest” what has been read, to interact with the written word, and to build personal connections, all in enhancing the reader’s understanding. Fiction text is designed with story elements to help the reader follow a sequence of events. Ask a few of the following questions:
Who is the main character?
What is the character’s motivation?
Where is the story taking place?
Why do you think the author chose this setting?
Problem & Solution
What is the problem(s) for the main character(s)?
What is the solution(s) for the above problem(s)?
What is one main event so far?
What is the author’s intention(s) for the character(s) actions?
Personal Connections
What would you change in the story?
What connections to other stories or your life can you make?
What would you ask the author about this story?