Fluency Building: Modeling (Key #1)
Model with Read Alouds
By listening to good models of fluent reading, children learn how a reader's voice can help written text make sense. Read aloud daily to your child(ren). By reading effortlessly and with expression, you are modeling for your chid(ren) how a fluent reader sounds during reading.
The more models of fluent reading children hear, the better. Not only will hearing a model of fluent reading benefit a child, it also increases their knowledge of the world, their vocabulary, their familiarity with written language ("book language"), and their interest in reading.
GOALS of Modeling
Model Accuracy: Through the use of the the fluent reader, accuracy of the text is modeled.
Model Fluid Pace: Through the use of the the fluent reader, fluid pace of the text is modeled.
Model Expression: Through the use of the the fluent reader, expression of the text is modeled.
Published by Reading Rockets: https://www.readingrockets.org/article/fluency-introduction
Reviewed & Edited by Nancy L. Bretzmann, PhD