Fluency Building: Partner Reading

Partner Reading

In partner reading, a child is paired or partnered with another person. The partners take turns reading aloud to one another practicing accuracy, fluency, and expression.


Parrot or Echo Reading: To begin, the stronger reader reads a paragraph or page first, providing a model of fluent reading. Then the less fluent reader re-reads the same text aloud. The stronger reader gives help with word recognition and provides feedback and encouragement to the less fluent partner. The less fluent partner re-reads the passage until he or she can read it independently.

Partner Reading: Another form of partner reading, children reading at a similar level are paired to re-read a story that they have received prior practice on. The two readers, of similar ability, alternate paragraphs or pages of the familiar text.

GOALS of Partner Reading

Model Accuracy: Through the use of a partner, accuracy of the text is modeled.

Model Fluid Pace: Through the use of a partner, fluid pace of the text is modeled.

Model Expression: Through the use of a partner, expression of the text is modeled.

Published by Reading Rockets: https://www.readingrockets.org/article/fluency-introduction

Reviewed & Edited by Nancy L. Bretzmann, PhD


Fluency Building: Readers’ Theatre


Fluency Building: Tape-Assisted