Fluency Building: Tape-Assisted
Tape-Assisted Reading
Tape-assisted reading, is where a child reads along in their book as they hear a fluent reader read the same text on an audio-recording.
For tape-assisted reading, you need a book at a child's independent reading level and a tape-recording of the book read by a fluent reader. (The pace is about 80-100 words per minute.) The tape-recording should not have sound effects or music.
For the first reading, the child should follow along with the tape, pointing to each word in his/her book as the reader reads it.
Following the first “listening”, the child should try to read aloud along with the tape. Reading along with the tape should continue until the child is able to read the book independently, without the support of the tape.
GOALS of Tape-Assisted Reading
Model Accuracy: Through the use of the tape, accuracy of the text is modeled.
Model Fluid Pace: Through the use of the tape, fluid pace of the text is modeled.
Model Expression: Through the use of the tape, expression of the text is modeled.
Published by Reading Rockets: https://www.readingrockets.org/article/fluency-introduction
Reviewed & Edited by Nancy L. Bretzmann, PhD